6th Symposium on Biomedical Research "Advances and Perspectives in Molecular Endocrinology"

05/31/2019 09:00

Calle Arzobispo Morcillo, 4, 28029 Madrid, Spain

The registration has finished.


Welcome and presentation


On behalf of the planning committee, we welcome you to the Sixth Symposium on Biomedical Research organized jointly by the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Alberto Sols” (CSIC-UAM) and the School of Medicine (UAM), Madrid. The Symposium will take place at the Campus of the School of Medicine on May 31, 2019 and will focus on the “Advances and Perspectives in Molecular Endocrinology” in memory of Gabriella Morreale. This highly advancing field is characterized by rapidly changing views of old paradigms contributing to a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the highly diverse hormonal signaling, the integration of their physiological effects and their failure leading to endocrine disorders. All these have led to the development and improvement of novel therapeutic strategies. The confluence of basic and clinical research will be emphasized to foster the transmission of new scientific findings into clinical practice. The Symposium will pay homage to the late Dr. Gabriella Morreale, as an internationally recognized leading figure in endocrinology research, whose work was crucial to deciphering the role of iodine and thyroid hormones on fetal and neonatal brain development. In addition, she and her husband Francisco Escobar del Rey made a major contribution to public health by preventing cognitive impairment in newborns due to congenital hypothyroidism.

Additionally, the meeting will be a stimulating gathering of researchers, graduate and post-graduate students, and industry sponsors. The Symposium will consist of invited lectures by distinguished speakers together with poster sessions, providing ample time for discussion both within and outside the scientific and poster sessions.

There will be prices to the best three poster communications, whose presenting authors will be awarded with free inscriptions to the next meeting of either SEBBM or SEEN.

Registration to the Symposium will be at no cost and attendance of undergraduate students will be certified with 1 ECTS by the UAM.

Abstracts will be published in IBJ Plus.

We hope you enjoy the Symposium.


Lisardo Boscá. Director of Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Alberto Sols” (CSIC-UAM)

Juan Antonio Vargas. Dean of the School of Medicine (UAM).



Abstracts are available in the documentation section or at the IBJ-Plus web page.


Dates Event local time

May '19


09:00 Starting date

May '19


18:00 Closing date

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